The more it went towards the end of the year, the more contemplative and magical the mood among the Waxel Ninjas became.
The nights became colder and the Waxel Ninjas spent many evenings gathered around the crackling fire.
Of course, stories and legends of the past were also told – one of the elves told an adventurous story about a sparkling tree, which caused a downright euphoric mood to arise and everyone wanted to know more about it…

Event Details
- The one will be similar to the already known Waxel Halloween 2022 event, but with a twist!
- There will be 5 blendable NFTs that are split up into 6 parts and then you will need these 5 NFTs to blend the final NFT: the completely decorated Christmas Tree.
- Again we want this NFT to be special and limited which you will be able to use as furniture / decoration in our upcoming housing system!
- As we don’t have all the details, schemas and templates ready for the housing system, the final NFT will serve as a “coupon”
- This means, when the housing system is going to be released, you will be able to blend it into the real furniture / decoration NFT suited for the housing system and be able to place it in your home
- Please keep in mind that the visuals could slightly change until then, as we will make it need to fit the in-game dimensions
- While the “Waxel Christmas 2022” event is running, the finding of “Old Book Page” NFTs from “The Great Storm” event will be disabled
- Happy finding and trading
Game mechanic
- Every Waxel Ninja will be able to find 1 of 6 different “Parts” from 5 different NFTs by using the regular “Search” feature (this is of course on top of finding Citizens):
- The base chance to find 1 part is going to be 10%, but as the eyes trait from the Waxel Ninjas gives a bonus in finding one, the chances are the following for each eyes color:
- Brown = 10%
- Green = 12%
- Blue = 15%
- White = 20%
- Red = 40%
- The 6 different parts for each NFT can then be combined / blended into the next NFT
- For example regarding the “Christmas Star” NFT This means you will need “Christmas Star – Part #1”, “Christmas Star – Part #2”, “Christmas Star – Part #3” etc. to get the actual “Christmas Star”
- The blends for each NFT can be found here:
- Of course all NFTs can be traded / sold / bought on the secondary market or directly with other players (feel free to use our #trades channel)
- Here is an example of the 6 different parts for the “Christmas Star”:

- The 5 completed NFTs can then be used to blend the final “Decorated Christmas Tree – Coupon” NFT which can be found here

Time frame
- Your Waxel Ninjas will be able to find the 30 different “Part” NFTs for ~14 days
- From now 12th of December until the 26th of December 11:59 PM CEST
- The different parts can be combined / blended for 1 year until next Christmas