It is finally time to open your Lost Treasure chests!

Over the course of 1 week 1,647 treasure chest parts have been found:
- 278x Treasure Chest Part #1
- 269x Treasure Chest Part #2
- 262x Treasure Chest Part #3
- 285x Treasure Chest Part #4
- 296x Treasure Chest Part #5
- 257x Treasure Chest Part #6
After 1 more week of blending, the total amount of blended treasure chests was 205.
Our estimation based on registered Waxel Ninjas and the final amount of blended treasure chests is quite a bit off.
As stated in the initial post for the event we estimated about 480 to be blended, but we have 275 less chests.
This means that we had to adjust the amount of all the different NFTs in the chests and therefore the chances of pulling them.
To balance things out there are now way less professions and profession books inside the chests and the chances of pulling the rarest NFTs is lower.
The final NFTs in the chests and their chances are therefore as follows:
- 1x Waxel Ninja Avatar – Chance to get ~0.49%
- 1x Waxel Ninja (Demon) – Chance to get ~0.49%
- 2x Waxel Ninja (Elf) – Chance to get ~0.98%
- 4x Waxel Ninja (Undead) – Chance to get 1.95%
- 8x Waxel Ninja (Orc) – Chance to get ~3.9%
- 10x Waxel Ninja (Human) – Chance to get ~4.88%
- 10x Waxel Ninja Pack – Chance to get ~4.88%
- 50x 1 of 7 random professions – Chance to get ~24.39%
- 119x 1 of 7 random profession books – Chance to get ~58.05%
Here is an overview of the Waxel Ninja Avatar and Waxel Ninjas that are in the chests:
You can open the chests at 10 PM CEST (in about 45 minutes) under the “My Packs” tab on NeftyBlocks of our collection.
Remember that every NFT inside the chest can only be pulled once!
Good luck to everyone and share your pulls in #general and on Twitter.
PS: The only way from now on to get a treasure chest is by obtaining one from the secondary market