Hey guys we have a little extra for you!
We created Telegram and WhatsApp stickers to pimp up your conversations!
It’s quite easy to download our Waxel Ninja and Waxel World stickers onto your phone.
How to import the Waxel Stickers to Telegram:
1. Click onto the following link
2. A new window will pop up which will open the Telegram app
3. Click “ADD 27 Stickers” to add them to your Telegram
4. Afterwards you can find your stickers here
5. Use the stickers by selecting the one you want to add to your conversations
How to import the Waxel Stickers to WhatsApp:
To add our stickers into your WhatsApp conversations is a little bit more difficult since Telegram and WhatsApp don’t work the same.
1. Download the following app to import the stickers: Sticker.ly
2. Sign in with your Google account (you can skip this part and close the window as well)
3. Go to the search function and search for the account WaxelWorld, click the follow button (to follow our account and future sticker collections) and select the stickers which you want to import into WhatsApp (you can choose single or all stickers)
4. After selecting one or multiple stickers (go to “see sticker pack” for choosing all stickers), click “ADD to WhatsApp”, allow the app to gain access to WhatsApp and import all the stickers
5. The stickers can be found under: