Waxel is part of the first WAX World Cup hosted by Zzullerr and Taco!

It is not a “real game” where the different projects will compete against, but rather something simple where you will be able to vote for your favourite project on Twitter starting with 2 group phases from which the best 2 projects will advance to the semi-finals and compete for a spot in the final!
The World Cup winner will receive 2 days’ worth of a banner in TacoSwap and a 1000 WAX airdrop to their community through Discord!
So if we win, we will airdrop 1000 WAX to our community 🙂
The first “match” will start on Saturday 15th (tomorrow) and the participants of the first group are NBM, DeepMine, Waxel and Cosmic Clash.
The second match will run on Sunday 16th and the participants are Castles NFT, Million on Mars, Avalon and Taco Racers!
Semi-finals will be informed accordingly to each of the top 4 finalist.
To kick things off, you can participate in the following givelab giveaway in order to win 1000 WAX!
There will be more prizes in WAX and NFTs along the way.
You can find more details in the following tweet.
Help us win and you will be able to obtain some sweet WAX 😉