As our Waxel Ninjas Wallet Checker and Waxel Ninjas Market are very frequently used by the community and we believe that they will be used by even more people in the future, we have been working on some new updates:
- The performance should now be way better regarding the loading of images
- Switched from linking the images directly from IPFS, to host them on our server as the IPFS often is under heavy load witch leads to images not being loaded
- The images on the IPFS are in the .webp fomat which has better quality and smaller file size compared to the .gif format, but browsers like Safari can’t display them…
- Because of that they have been converted from the .webp to the .gif format and resized to be 66% smaller to also save bandwidth
- The “stats” overview is now collapsible
- Resized the displayed Waxel Ninjas to be 10% bigger (image, font size etc.)
- The ID is now clickable and will lead directly to the Waxel Ninja on AtomicHub
- The owner / wallet is now displayed of each Waxel Ninja and links to the account / wallet on AtomicHub
We hope you like these updates and look forward to your feedback 🙂