When you have found your first couple of citizens by using your Waxel Ninjas, it is time to blend them into a profession.
To do this, you will have to take a certain amount of citizens together with a “Book of profession” of the profession you want to have.
For example if you would want to get the profession “Max the Miner”, you would take 5 citizens + the NFT “How to become a Miner” and blend them into the new NFT “Max the Miner” (actual values not yet final).
Quick overview:
- 7 professions in total
- 3 gatherers
- 4 refiners and crafters
- Each gatherer profession will be able to gather different raw materials
- For example the miner will find ores and the lumberjack wood
- Each refiner profession will be able to refine the raw materials into refined materials
- For example the blacksmith will refine ores into bars
- Each crafter profession will be able to use refined materials in order to craft items
- Professions get created by using a certain amount of citizens + the respective profession book which is called “blending”
- Profession books will be obtainable by buying them directly from us with WAX on NeftyBlocks
- The gatherer professions will also be able to equip up to 3 different items in order to boost their efficiency while gathering raw materials
- In order to not oversaturate the economy, each profession will have a “work” attribute (uses of how often a profession can be used)
- You could say that they are getting too old to work any longer 😉
- To also have a purpose for not anymore employable professions, you will be able to “retire” them (actually you say “burn” in the NFT space, but that sounds kinda harsh in this context) whenever you want and have a chance of getting one citizen back
- As all professions are NFTs, you are able to trade, sell and buy them on AtomicHub / NeftyBlocks
This is just the first set of professions and skills of them for the release of the Waxel World. In the coming expansions / updates we will add more skills to the current professions, completely new skills, craftable items and even introduce new game mechanics.

Max the Miner

Max is one of the hardest workers in the Waxel World. No mine is too deep for him to go in and prospect ores for you.
You will be able to gather 3 different materials with him and equip 3 different items to make him more efficient while doing that.
The maximum amount of usable “Maxs” at the same time is limited to 10 per settlement (wallet / account), but can be extended with the “Mine” settlement upgrade NFT.
Luke the Lumberjack

Luke calls the woods of the Waxel World his home. He knows every path and can find the best wood for you.
You will be able to gather 3 different materials with him and equip 3 different items to make him more efficient while doing that.
The maximum amount of usable “Lukes” at the same time is limited to 10 per settlement (wallet / account), but can be extended with the “Forest” settlement upgrade NFT.
Fred the Farmer

Fred may seem a little grumpy on the outside but he has a big heart. No one is a better farmer than him.
You will be able to gather 3 different materials with him and equip 3 different items to make him more efficient while doing that.
The maximum amount of usable “Freds” at the same time is limited to 10 per settlement (wallet / account), but can be extended with the “Field” settlement upgrade NFT.

Carl the Carpenter

Carl is one of the friendliest people in the Waxel World and always has a smile on his face. Bring him any kind of wood and he will know what to do with it.
You will be able to refine 3 different materials with him.
Tiffany the Tailor

Tiffany can make anyone look beautiful. Just give her any kind of fabric and she will be able to create the perfect outfit for you.
You will be able to refine 3 different materials with her.
Earl the Engineer

Earl is the most known inventor in the Waxel World. Give him an assignment and he will come up with the best possible solution.
You will be able to craft some more complex items with him.