After Waxel Ninjas, citizens are pretty much the most important asset in the Waxel World, because without them you wouldn’t be able to get professions in order to gather materials and then create items.
The only way to get citizens is by either finding them with your Waxel Ninjas or by buying them on the secondary market.
With your Waxel Ninjas, every couple of hours, you will be able to “search” for a new citizen, which then will be added to your WAX account on the blockchain.
The more rare the “race” attribute of your Waxel Ninja is, the faster you will be able to find a new citizen and the higher the success rate will be.
There is a small chance that your Waxel Ninja won’t be successful on his search and come back without a citizen.
After you have gathered a certain amount of citizens, you will be able to blend them into a profession of your choice together with the according “Book of profession“.
You will also be able to blend them into NFTs in packs of 10, in order to trade, sell and buy them on AtomicHub / NeftyBlocks.

10x Citizen

Citizens 10x Pack

5x Citizen

How to become a Lumberjack

1x Luke the Lumberjack

10x Citizen

How to become a Blacksmith

1x Bob the Blacksmith

*All formulas and recipes can be found here